Saturday, 14 January 2017

                  OVER COMING FEAR Part 3
Welcome dearly beloved today we will be concluding the series OVERCOMING FEAR . I believe this has been helpful and a blessing to you.

Job  3:25 For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. 

This is a very striking statement which a lot of believers are not aware off,  the mystery about fear is this when you allow fear to constantly rule your mind it has the tendency of attracting that situation you fear into your life. Job said what he feared  has happened to him he was always fearful of harm happening to his children his business and and his health these things happened to him because he allowed fear .
 When you are fearful as a believer about anything you give your thoughts and attentions to it thereby attracting that fear to yourself . When you have a fear of contracting a disease or a sickness you are unknowingly attracting this things to your is like you are expecting an evil to happen by constantly keeping your mind on that fear .  I once heard of a man who was always scared of road travel when ever he travels he was always fearful this man died in a road accident why?  his expectations were wrong . so dear beloved stop focusing your energy on your fears stop the negative thoughts change your mind and feed constantly and consistently on the word of God.

Proverbs  23:18 For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Your expectations either good or bad has the ability to come to pass because it's a law of expectation. When you fear you attract a negative expectation to your life , when you fear you always have your thoughts and emotions around that fear so I encourage you to push aside that fear push aside that wrong mindset. One of the easiest way to overcome fear is found in this next scripture

1 John  4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

I encourage you to step into God's love live and bask in the love of God for you,  when you understand how much God loves you how much He has paid for your life you will gain boldness and stand firm in life .we are by nature the children of love we live and act love in our daily lives. With a practical life of love we keep our heart free from hatred, envy and grudges thereby allowing the life of God flow freely within us.
We have to also have the knowledge of how much God loves us so dearly so much so that he gave his son and his spirit as a love gift for us to be able to live victoriously.
 The Lords love overcome fears that love is born in your spirit  the love that is spread abroad in our heart by the Holy Spirit.

Romans  5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

 The love of God is God's nature impacted into us at new birth.  become conscious of this  love keep it high in your thoughts let it be greater than any fear let it be greater than any challenge  for this is the will of God for His children to be an expression of His divine nature which is His love. God bless you as you express and enjoy victory over fear as you learn to live in God's love on a daily basis .  As from this day fear will no longer rule over you in Jesus name shalom .


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