Sunday, 15 January 2017
- January 15, 2017
- ashas john excel
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This is another interesting series it's going to bless you immensely .
We are going to be seeing truth about how a believer can make use of the the greatest gift given to man, this will help you go through life with easy and assurances knowing where you are going and where you are coming from . And I'm sure this will bless you.
I want you to know that the Holy Spirit talks and desires to talk with you, if so be that you are born again, but the kinds of error and ignorance that surrounds this issue of hearing the Holy Spirit is so immense and disheartening, many are merely being disturbed by their emotions and their canal senses, and they'll say time and again that the Holy Spirit is leading them or talking to them...
You are free to bring up your questions after reading this, because I really wish to help as many as possible to get so cleared about this subject... Everyone of us can really be led by the Holy Spirit, since we are all born of God, in fact that's what proves us as sons of God. You cannot claim to be a son of God, if you cannot clearly discern God's leading and directives, and in fact, until you can, you really don't have any significant difference with an unbeliever... You can still suffer what an unbeliever would suffer, and go through what an unbeliever would go through, just because you don't get led by the Holy Spirit... See
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
The leading of the Holy Spirit, that's all that makes the difference, and that's the advantage that a son of God has in life...
Now the aim of this is to make us see how the Holy spirit does it, so that we can plunge ourselves rightly into his leading, and thereby get all that's available for us via thesame, but I first want to deal with the many myths that surrounds this topic, some very funny funny things that people count as the Holy Spirit's leading or instructions; I mean some quite ridiculous things...
There is this almost general thought, that is becoming a household slogan, that "the way the Holy Spirit talks to me or leads me is different from yours", or that "you have to know how the Holy Spirit lead you for yourself" someone even cited an example sometimes of how the Holy Spirit talked to her through a mad woman on the street, and this things amazes me, I wonder what some church folks thinks about the Holy Spirit...
People today cites instances of how the Holy Spirit asked them to go eat, as if they don't know when they're hungry, when the Holy Spirit told them to go and take their bath, as if they don't have brain.
I want you to know that you have brain, you have mind, you also have conscience, you have will and emotions too and these things that I mention, talks to you from time to time, in fact their voices(which could be good or bad) are always the frequent and loudest, it will always come to you, and the leading of the Holy Spirit could come in the midst of all these too, so it now take you to know how the Holy Spirit leads to know how to go about it...
The Holy Spirit for your information, doesn't have different ways that he leads different people through(there is only one way and that way is christ), neither does he have many different things that he tells people, it is a deception of the devil to think that way, if I am a son of God, I should know when the Holy Spirit is leading the other son of God because the Holy spirit is one and the same, I want you to know that there is way the Holy spirit leads, and If he is leading you, you will know that it is the Holy Spirit, if only you know how he leads...
You see, the fact that something appears good, doesn't mean it is the Holy Spirit, and that it sound otherwise doesn't mean it is not... We've got to look into scriptures, to see how the Spirit of God leads his children... God is not a respecter of persons, He doesn't respect people's emotion, feelings or perception, he has his own way of doing his things, and it's only if you respect this principle of the Holy Spirit, that you can enjoy his benefits...
John 14:17,18
even the Spirit of truth: whom the world cannot receive; for it beholdeth him not, neither knoweth him: ye know him; for he abideth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you desolate: I come unto you.
If you look critically, that's Jesus saying to His disciples that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth, and you remember John 14:6 that says Jesus is the truth, so the spirit of Truth is the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of Christ 1pet 1:11, romans 8:9, he is Christ himself, Christ in you is Holy spirit in you, Jesus talking to His disciples said, He is WITH you now, but will be IN you, he said he will not leave them, that he will COME to them...
I love those words.
When paul came, he said it is christ that lives in me galatians 2:20 and if anyone doesn't have this spirit of Christ living in them, then they are not Christians at all romans 8:9 TLB
Now this Holy Spirit has his specific assignment in us, he has the things he has come to do, and he has not come for coming sake, he has come for some specific things, and we'll be looking at those things now...
Verse 21 and 23 of chapter 14 emphasises how that Jesus said whoever has HIS commandments(not moses' commandments) the commandments of Christ is the gospel John 6:40, and believing it is Christ's greatest command...
Now christ says whoever does this, will attract the Love of God and of Him, and that he will come and live in such a fellow and that he will MANIFEST himself to him/her...
The first purpose of the Holy Spirit in you as listed by Jesus is to manifest Christ to you and through you... To make Jesus' exploit real in you, to make you a person of Christ-full manifestation and Exploits... God wants to live in you and he wants to be the one that is actually living in your body... 1cor 3:16 and 1cor 6:19 emphasises this
See also ephesians 3:17, he prays for you that Christ may dwell in Your heart by FAITH and your Knowledge of these things is so important, as you may never enjoy the essence and the presence of the Holy spirit in you until you KNOW. Colosians 3:10 God wants you to know(eph 1:18) that you are the carrier of the SPIRIT of the HOLY GOD and that He is the Only thing that is Living in you... That the you that used to live before you encountered Christ is nailed to the cross, see romans 6:6, galatians 2:20 and Galatians 6:14 and you are NEW now 2cor 5:17, and ONE spirit... 1cor 6:17 The Holy Spirit... these Bible verses critically and come to full maturity of Christ work within you by the spirit .
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