Friday, 17 June 2022

 Life is a function of many decisions either right or wrong, the direction with which your life is heading is a function of the numerous decisions you have made.

           Not making a decision is also a decision there is no body on earth who's life is not full of decisions. 

Each day questions like 

what do I do?

How can I do it? 

When can I do it? 

If I do it will it work? 

Should I stay or should I leave? 

Why am I like this what can I do to change my life. 

The answer to life questions is not found in any man or any religion. 

The answer is Jesus. 

Yes Jesus. 

He knows your past will help you decide your present and guide you into your future. 

Before you where formed  he  knew you and planned out what you will become 

Jeremiah 1 vs 5

You can only become the best of you if you follow the one who knows the way and the path of your life, if you follow Jesus you can never get lost 

John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life. 

Accepting Jesus is your life best decision the rest will fall in place as you follow. 


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