Friday, 20 January 2017
January 20, 2017
ashas john excel
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Another major deal the holy spirit has in you is to be a teacher and a Reminder, and he don't just teach you anything, neither does he just remind you anything, he teaches and remind you the things that Christ has said, done and lived. What the Holy Spirit would teach you and Bring to your remembrance is Christ, he said I care to know nothing among you, except Christ and Him crucified 1cor 2:2
So the Holy spirit is not the one who reminded you that you have a family curse, and that you should fast and pray that it might be broken, in fact it is only the devil that can talk that way.
What the Holy spirit will say in that regard is that you are reGENErated, you now have God's gene in you, that you are a new creation now, that Christ has been made a curse for you, while on the cross, that all your curse has been nailed to the cross, and that you CANNOT be under a curse, since God is now your Father therefore the things you could inherit from him are strictly generational blessings and ancestral Glory and anointing...
Those are the things the Holy spirit teaches and reminds us.
He doesn't reminds us what bad thing someone did to us last week, or last year, no, not at all, he'll rather remind us that we should forgive them, the way Christ forgave us, and would never remember our sins no more...
See what 1cor 2:12 and 13 has to say
But we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God; that we might know the things that were freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Spirit teacheth; combining spiritual things with spiritual words. ASV
The things that God's word said to us, those are the things the Holy spirit teaches and reminds the believer, he reminds and teaches you about THE THINGS THAT ARE FREELY GIVEN TO YOU(grace); your strength in christ phil.4:13, your riches in glory, your sound mind, your perfect health and beauty, psalm 51:2, how that the lines are fallen unto you in pleasant places...
He reminds and teaches you your Righteousness in christ, even when your emotions tries to prove to you that you are a sinner, he reminds you that there is therefore now no condemnation to you who is in christ... No condemnation, why, because you are in christ and those that are in christ are those that walks in the spirit .
Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Hallelujah...The Holy spirit doesn't tell you to fast, or ask you to tell someone to fast, you as a believer should know when you have been getting too occupied with canal things and having less time for spiritual things, and how you ought to separate yourself from them by fasting from such things for a while in order to be able to spend more time in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, such that while you are fasting, your flesh weakened, makes your spirit man more alert to the influence of the word of God,(which is the spirit of God) and makes the things of Christ come alive to you... So if you enjoy the moment, you will naturally have appetite for such fellowship again and again... The Holy spirit is more concerned about revealing Christ in you, to you, and through you to others. That's what the Holy spirit does in a believer . There are some common sense things believers want the spirit to tell them before they do . It's like asking Lord should I go for evangelism today or not because you want to satisfy your flesh .
Verse 27 talks about how PEACE will be the litmus test of God's holy presence in you, and how you must allow it and encourage it by not being afraid because of anything... Phil.4:6 says we should be careful for nothing...
See again, John 15:26, Jesus categorically stated that when the HOLY SPIRIT comes, that he will TESTIFY of Christ, he will talk about Christ, and manifest and testify Christ in us, and we would be the evidence and witness of thesame. That's his assignment, and that's what he would do...
He is not coming to deliver us, instead he lives in us because we are delivered and accepted in the beloved colosians 1:13, eph 1:6 hallelujah this is the third part of this series keep reading and keep winning Jesus is Lord
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