Thursday, 26 December 2019

Song of Solomon 2:15 "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom."

The vine is a very special plant in Israel because it requires a lot of work in other to cultivate it. Before cultivation, the land must be tilled, stones has to be removed, wall and watch tower will be built, a vine press and a store for storage of the fruit, all these must be put in place before thinking of cultivating the crop.
When one invest what he has to plant a vine, he expect a return of his investment. So every necessary measure must be put in place, in other that nothing affect the expected harvest. Foxes are conciderd a threat to the vine because it eat up the grape before it matures. In the Old Testament, foxes are mentioned in

Judges 15 . Samson ties torches to 300 foxes and releases them to destroy the grain fields of the Philistines.

In Nehemiah 4:3 , the evil Tobiah mocks the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s wall, saying, “What they are building—even a fox climbing up on it would break down their wall of stones!”. So I will not be wrong if I say that the little foxes are destroyers and because of there size it will be difficult to control them and for them not to be allowed a strong wall is required and the watchmen must be on alert.

The painful thing about this foxes is that they eat the vine when it start to bloom ( when it start producing greenish flower clusters called bud) the danger is that if the fox eats the bud, the vine will continue to grow but will not produce any fruit. People will see it growing with beautiful leaves and stem, but no fruit.
Just as the farmer guide his field against the little foxes, so we also are expected to guide our hearts, and lives against the foxes of our days, they come in form of sin, (

Galatians 5:19-21) wrong imaginations, Low self-esteem, friends etc whose mission is to kill your dream. People look at you from the outside, they see a promising youth, a handsome and beautiful individual but from the inside there is no fruit to back what they saw.
I pray for you today, may the Lord open your eyes to see those little foxes in your life, give you the strength to guide yourself against them in Jesus name....
I decree that every foxes sent to destroy your life and destiny be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen


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