Don't give up, don't give in , keep pushing.
Zechariah 4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth
That small can and will become great if you keep going .
Even though you start small you will not remain small as you remain faithful to the process and path God have set before you. You will grow, learn, and develop as the Lord continue to guide and instruct you day after day.
Though you may feel weak and incompetent in the beginning, do not be discouraged, for you will be delighted and amazed as you see the work you will accomplish together with the lord over the course of time.
Continue to open your heart to the subtleties of my spirit and do not allow your heart to grow cold.
Do not be downcast, nor assess your present situation as if it is permanent and will never change. God is moving you, guiding, growing, and even pruning you, to bring you past today, into the fullness and maturity of tomorrow
Though you will encounter challenges at times, you will enjoy the process. Though it will be costly at times, in many different ways, the reward waiting for you will far surpass your expense and expectations.
Though difficult at times, do not lose heart, and do not discount the place from where you have started. Though small in the beginning, your finish and reward in the lord will be great , so don't give up on your dreams you will be great.....
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