The doctrine of Predestination
The teaching about God’s ability to know something in advance or being ALL KNOWING GOD (Omniscience) and the possibility to have predestined or predetermined things on earth has led to several questions like:
since God knew Man was going to eat the forbidden fruit, why did He create the fruit? Or Since He knew man was going to the fall anyways, why the whole drama in Genesis 3? Why the regrets over man? And many questions in that line
I will not want to go any full details on Gen.3 because I have seen several explanations (explanations stretched beyond Bible), “personal rhema” and unproductive arguments on it.
but I will rather start my post by saying that “to simply say that God knows and predetermines everything in people’s lives” is a wrong interpretation of the doctrine of foreknowledge and predestination.
This interpretation is not consistent with other doctrines in Scripture.
This belief that God has predetermined everything put limits on God because it makes man accept to fate.
Que sera sera – “what will be, will be” The truth is what will be don’t be unless you make it be what it should be.
If God predetermines everything that happens in a man’s lives, then everything that happens to a man is God’s will for him which includes sin, poverty, suffering, sickness, etc.
If we believe every single thing that happens has been predetermined, then what’s the point of doing anything? why seek God? why go to church? Why don’t just sit at home and watch Tv? Why should we pray? Whatever you do must have been predetermined, it’s the will of God and it will come to pass anyhow
Since the sickness has been predetermined, why seek medical attention? To fight God’s will?
I believe in God’s foreknowledge and predestination because scriptures say so, but not the way it is generally interpreted.
One scripture that has been used to support the teaching on foreknowledge and predestination is
Rom 8:29 which says “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,” KJV
From the verse above, first thing noted here is “FOR WHOM He did foreknow” not “FOR ALL He did foreknow” a simpler translation says “FOR THOSE (not for all) He foreknew” In other words, those foreknew here are the believers.
God knew the believers who would accept His offer of salvation in advance before they actually did. So, God has infinite ability to know our choices in advance
Scriptures says
“He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world” Eph.1:4.
You also note this verse that, it is those He foreknew, He predetermined. Which means foreknowledge is sequel to predestination.
So, our proper understanding of foreknowledge gives us proper understanding of Predestination.
Haven established that, let me also note here that, although God has infinite ability to know our choices in advance, scriptures also reveal that there are some things God want to get full proof of to be sure.
In Gen 18:20 – 19:29, God had to send two Angels to go inspect Sodom and Gomorrah to see if their actions were really bad as He was told. It means He didn’t know.
After God tested Abraham in Gen.22, He said, for now I KNOW that thou fearest God. It was Abraham’s act that made God know how much he fears Him
In 1Sam.15:11, the Lord REPENTED for choosing Saul to be king WHEN HE SAW THE WAY HE TURNED OUT. So, God didn’t know how Saul will turn out.or wasn't sure Saul could turn out like this.
Twice in the book of Jeremiah, God said the fact that people would offer their children as sacrifices to demon gods NEVER CAME TO HIS MIND (Jeremiah 19:5 and 32:35) There are some things that Himself said He had never foreseen. There are many more examples in scriptures. There are things that men did that God never expected them to go that far either good or bad.
Let me note here that although God has the ability to know everything in advance, He probably didn’t choose to exercise that ability in every situation.
Therefore, God was probably really surprised that Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden tree.
Of course, God knew there would be a transgression and a need for redemption before man was created, that’s why we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, however obviously, God didn’t utilize His foreknowledge to the level of knowing every move that man was making.
There’s no reason for this, but certainly If He does use His foreknowledge, it will hinder His relationship with man.
Let me conclude t with this, since He told us to be wise concerning that which is good and simple (innocent) concerning that which is evil (Rom.16:19) and also said we should think (focus) on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, He desires us to be this way then that must be the way He is, then because of His love He would rather focus on the good part so much to consider man falling at the end of the day.
I hope this blessed you?
Faith initiative...........
Friday, 19 January 2018
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