Tuesday, 21 March 2017

The Blood of Jesus.

I want you to understand something simple about the blood of Jesus and how you should not allow anyone to put you in certain restrictions when it comes to your rights and privileges in Christ. The blood was shed for you, not just for your sins, it of course took your sins away, but that's not all, the blood is for you. I will help you understand.

Luke 22:20, Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

The blood of Jesus is not just the red fluid that spilled out of his body when he was beaten with stripes, that one has dried up at Golgotha long time ago, the blood that Jesus shed for you is not that physical fluid that came out of his heart after it ruptured and was pierced with a spear, the Blood Jesus shed for you is His Life. The very Life of The son of God, it is spiritual and powerful. It is a covenant.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Leviticus 17:11 KJV

The old testament usage of blood was only pointing to the reality which is the new testament covenant of the new life in Christ. The Bible says the Blood is the Life. And that in that old system they have been given the animal blood to atone for their soul. But what God wants to give in reality is His own Life, for humanity.

What Jesus came to do was to give us his life, he shed his life for us, the blood was only symbolic of the life, when he shed the life, he died spiritually on the cross and that was when he shouted my God my God, why has thou forsaken me. Spiritual death means a separation from the divine life, when Jesus shed this life, he was left with no drop of it

This blood has become a token of the covenant that God had with Man on the cross.

When a man and another man are to make blood covenant, they cut each other and mix their bloods over an agreement and such things become sealed, such that any of the parties who breaks it receives a punishment to that effect.

Humanity did not cut physical blood with God, but We did when He shed his life for us at the cross and we received it, we have a new life now, which means we have something else from God that sustains us and that's eternal life. Eternal life is now the meeting point between man and God, and that's the basis for the new covenant in Jesus blood.

It is this eternal life that means everything to the believer, and this eternal life is the explanation of the Blood of Jesus. All that the blood and the body of Jesus accomplished on the cross we received as the life of God which is in us today and we communicate this life, this blood over everything that comes across us or that we come across. We have to be
So conscious of the cross, of the Blood (which means the finished work of Christ) so much that it dictates our feelings and thoughts when we stand before life's challenges.

The Bible says in Leviticus that what gives life to the flesh is the Blood, but what gives life to the body of the new man in Christ is the Spirit, which is the Life of God we are talking about, that's why sicknesses and diseases cannot thrive in your body, that's why failure can't thrive in your life, you're a son of God, with God's gene in you.

And if Christ be in you, [though] the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit [gives it] life because of righteousness.  But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
Romans 8:10‭-‬11 KJV

Through the Spirit, which is the Blood of God that flows in our vein we have a quickening life even in our physical bodies, hallelujah

The believer is not an ordinary man, he is not sustained by the blood he got from dad and mum, but by the blood of Jesus. We have the life of God in us, God has cut blood with us on the cross, we have become one by the virtue of the single life we share and He can't stop it on his own because we offended him, that's why we can't offend him or that he can't be offended, there was a union that happened at the cross that made us inseparably one always and anytime, for which course he's not ashamed to call us brethren.

All that belongs to us in Christ are our rights, not just because God just pitied us, he made us qualified to have them by right.

When you understand your position in the covenant, you will stop being careful about rules and regulations as to how you should live and what you should say and what not to say when you pray. Whether to call the name of Jesus or to call it three times or to first sing slow songs or to first confess your sins before you make a request.

We are freed from laws, Apostle Paul says all things are yours, whether a revelation from Paul or cephas or apolos, all things are yours, I can fill an ordinary water with the blood of Jesus or say with the divine life and administer it to a sick person for healing of their bodies, who judges the style wrong? what says the only approach must be to pray and wait for answer?

Someone may even say the fact that you did that and there was a healing doesn't make the means right... And I be like who dictates the means? I dictate the means and the result, that's how the son of God lives, he may even say OK, show me scripture and verse that justifies you to use such means, and I quote Luke 7:35, it says wisdom is justified of her children.

The fact that he was healed, the fact that there's a result, justifies the wisdom used.  Glory to God, no need for any further scripture and verse.

The Bible says the spiritual man is judged of no man, the Bible says he that is from above is above all, the Bible also says the wind blows where it listeth and thou hears it's sound, see its effect, feel it's impact, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes, you can't figure it out, the Bible says so is a man born of the spirit

Who bewitched you as to be keeping rules and regulations on how to manifest your rights in the new life?

When we give thanks over the bread and the wine today during holy communion, the life of God comes over the substances to make them what we declare them to be, and to have the effect that the realities of the life expresses in our physical bodies and lives as we may demand them to be.

All things are yours, communicate the blood, administer the life, bless the bread, cover it with the Spirit, or with the blood or with the life of God, redeem your days, command your journeys to be protected by the presence of God

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty
And where the word of a king is, there is power, and who can say what doest thou? Eccl 8:4

Whether I pray in tongues or in understanding, it's not any man's business to be restricting me to pray in a style, all things are mine, whether to pray in my room or go on a mountain and even put off my shoes on getting there , whether to fast to pray or not, whether to speak the blood or speak life, whether to pray aloud or under my breath, whether to pray on my feet or on my knees, glory to God all things are mine.

Live like God today, he wasn't wrong when He gave the shadows, yet he has the reality in stock, and you know what? when he did what he did, those who accepted it even in the old experienced the reality of the same, how much more now that we have received the same life that he has.

God doesn't have first half and second half, it is to us that there is a old and a new, God is eternal and he lives in eternity and he has brought us into the realm of eternity.

Hallelujah, we can dictate the past as well as the future, we are the lord of the times, we are the sons of God.

Go ahead and reign and shine and rule, never let yourself glory in man or any man in you, for all things are yours

Grace to you
GAGT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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