As you continue to walk the path I have laid before you do not be surprised by the tests, trials, or adversities you encounter along the way. Surely these things are all part of the path, and surely you will encounter them, but understand in these times of hardship and stress you are not alone. I will never leave, forsake, abandon, nor forget you, though it may feel this way from time to time. I have initiated many good things in your life, and I am going to see every last one of them come to their completion.
1 Peter 4:12, Romans 5:3-5, Hebrews 13:5, Philippians 1:6
In your times of adversity understand you will grow. Areas of weakness, deception, and immaturity will be exposed, and you will have the opportunity to make changes, and you will grow because of it. While these lessons will not be comfortable for you, these valuable lessons will serve you if you will embrace them. They will be turned around for your good, to serve you in the long term, if you continue to endure and embrace their value and implement what you learn.
2 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:28, James 1:12, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Galatians 6:9
These things are not meant for your harm, but for your growth and development, for it is in these things you will learn to overcome. You will learn your limits. You will perfect your skills. You will acquire gratitude. You will enhance appreciation. Through all of these things you will grow and be transformed more and more into the image of my son.
So in your times of need, shame, or failure reach out to me, for I am near you even now, and I will hear you. I will encourage you. I will sustain you. I will renew your hope, perspective, and joy even in the middle of great calamity, persecution, and resistance. My joy is not based on circumstances, but by my spirit, and I will commune with you even in your darkest hour for my love for you has no bounds, and has no limits.