Sunday, 23 August 2020

 Though it seems your life is progressing very slowly, understand I have never forgotten nor abandoned you. You are in the very center of my sight, for my plans for you are not the plans you have conceived for yourself. In the times of delays, confusion, even catastrophe, I have also given you my grace to support and sustain you. So when you feel lost, confused, abandoned and neglected, remember the grace already given you, for my grace will be more than sufficient for you. (1)

In remembering my grace your heart will be renewed. You will feel young again, but centered again. You will remember your first love, and your original intent will be revived. All the goals, plans, and dreams you conceived when your love was young and new will come to your remembrance, and hope will be resurrected again. In this place of resurrected hope you will be bold in your heart and dreams, for my spirit will breathe on you, and you will realize who you already are. (2)
The circumstances that seemed so perilous, powerful, and overwhelming will begin to fade away, and you will begin to perceive them as small. You will appreciate their brevity, as the solutions now become accessible to your understanding - not because your circumstances have changed, but because your perspective has changed. My spirit will enable you to see things through my eyes, understanding my plans, and you will no longer put your trust and faith in your enemies, obstacles, or circumstances, but you will put your faith and trust in me. (3)
As you come to know me for who I am, you will forget your enemies. You will forget what opposes you. You will forget how to fear, hesitate, or protect yourself for you will come to know me in a place of security and stability, as you realize my love, protection, and strength for you.
So come to me as you did when you were young, like a little child. Come to me without hesitating. Come to me without worry, fret, or fear, for I will receive and embrace you. I will remind you of the things you have forgotten. I will remind you of what is in store for you, along with all I have already told you and promised you. I will remind you of who I am.
My patience for you will not expire, so do not hesitate to come to me when you need me most, but run to me, My Dearest, and you will remember you have never been forgotten or abandoned. (4)
(1) Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8, Deuteronomy 31:6, Matthew 6:8, Luke 12:7, 2 Corinthians 12:9
(2) Isaiah 40:31, James 4:6, Hebrews 4:16, Romans 15:13, Proverbs 28:1
(3) James 4:14, Romans 12:2, Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 56:3-4
(4) Matthew 19:14, Hebrews 12:1-2, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 4:21

Thursday, 4 June 2020

As you continue to walk the path I have laid before you do not be surprised by the tests, trials, or adversities you encounter along the way. Surely these things are all part of the path, and surely you will encounter them, but understand in these times of hardship and stress you are not alone. I will never leave, forsake, abandon, nor forget you, though it may feel this way from time to time. I have initiated many good things in your life, and I am going to see every last one of them come to their completion.

 1 Peter 4:12, Romans 5:3-5, Hebrews 13:5, Philippians 1:6
In your times of adversity understand you will grow. Areas of weakness, deception, and immaturity will be exposed, and you will have the opportunity to make changes, and you will grow because of it. While these lessons will not be comfortable for you, these valuable lessons will serve you if you will embrace them. They will be turned around for your good, to serve you in the long term, if you continue to endure and embrace their value and implement what you learn. 

2 Peter 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 8:28, James 1:12, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Galatians 6:9
These things are not meant for your harm, but for your growth and development, for it is in these things you will learn to overcome. You will learn your limits. You will perfect your skills. You will acquire gratitude. You will enhance appreciation. Through all of these things you will grow and be transformed more and more into the image of my son.
So in your times of need, shame, or failure reach out to me, for I am near you even now, and I will hear you. I will encourage you. I will sustain you. I will renew your hope, perspective, and joy even in the middle of great calamity, persecution, and resistance. My joy is not based on circumstances, but by my spirit, and I will commune with you even in your darkest hour for my love for you has no bounds, and has no limits. 

Hebrews 4:16, Romans 15:13, Galatians 5:22, 1 John 1:3, Ephesians 3:19

Friday, 29 May 2020

Though there will be darkness, joy will come in the morning. Though there will be hard and difficult times, they will not last forever but will pass in time. These difficult and trying times will not be worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in and through you as you are continually changed and transformed little by little, day by day.
Though there is discomfort, and even pain, there is also an awakening and birthing happening within you to set you free from limits of the past, and enable you to walk in new levels of maturity, competency, activity, and leadership in all the things I have called you to pursue.
Though there will be times of confusion, I will guide you through them. These difficult and confusing times may last longer than you want, longer than you think they should, but nevertheless I will guide you through them, and they will not continue forever. I am the author and perfecter of your faith, life, path, and destiny in me, and none of these things can be changed or swayed, for I have set them in motion, and they will surely be accomplished at the time I have scheduled them to be completed
. (2)
While you are required to persevere day after day, year after year, know I have the end in mind, and am working all things out for your good, in your time of blessing soon to come. Let me encourage you today to walk by faith, not by sight. Continue to put one foot in front of the other as you move forward in the direction I have called you to. Though you will not always know or understand everything fully, know and trust I am guiding and shepherding you to the place I have for you, because this is my desire, and this is my will for you and for your life. (3)
(1) Psalm 30:5, 2 Corinthians 4:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18
(2) Psalm 5:8, Psalm 32:8, Hebrews 12:2, Habakkuk 2:3
(3) Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 16:9, John 10:11

There is so much freedom in me. There is so much liberty in me and in the pursuit of what I have for you. At times your natural mind does not comprehend my ways, or my plans, or my timing, and so you see me and my ways, as limiting you, hindering you, or holding you back. But this perspective is not true for your full potential and capacity, together with the fullness of your desires, will only be satisfied and found in me.
It is in union with me you, in harmony with my plans, in alignment and obedience with my ways and timing, you will be fully satisfied in every way. There is no source of true, lasting satisfaction apart from me, outside of me, or without me. I have come to give you life, to bring you a new way of life, and to do so abundantly.
Though you misunderstand my ways and see them as limiting, you will find as you allow yourself to receive my leadership that nothing could be further from the truth. My ways will bless you, not harm you. My ways will cause you to prosper, not to suffer. My ways will spawn abundant life, not create a meager existence. My ways will honor you, not exploit you. My ways will deliver you into freedom, not shackle you in chains.
So open your heart to trust me, my ways, and my timing, for as you receive my leadership and follow all I have for you, you will experience more joy, freedom, and bliss than you have in days past, and even more than you ever thought possible. These are my plans for you, to see you flourish and truly prosper, and see you walk, abide, and possess your success.
I am that loving father, wanting the best for my children, willing to give you the very most and the very best. As you embrace this truth and abide in this reality you will come to know and experience the fullness of all the freedom I have for you. 
(1) Galatians 5:1, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Isaiah 55:8-9, Matthew 5:6
(2) 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, John 8:12, Philippians 4:19, Numbers 6:24-26
(3) Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 56:3-4, Habakkuk 2:3
(4) Jeremiah 29:11, 3 John 1:2, 2 Corinthians 9:11, John 10:10

Sunday, 12 January 2020

I have kissed you with the sweetness of my acceptance. I have embraced you with the sweetness of my of approval. I have showered my affections upon you time and time again, and it is my great pleasure to continually do so, for I have reconciled all this world so nothing will ever separate us.

I know in your hurt and confusion you make your mistakes, but let me assure you that each and every one of your mistakes has already been accounted for and has already been overcome. For what good would my sacrifice have been if you could undo the reconciliation I prepared for you? How small would the reconciliation be if you were able to undo it? So do not fret, and do not worry, but trust and know I have all things accounted for. I have already made provision, for my reconciliation is beyond extravagant.

There has been no small price paid, for you are my jewel, The One I Adore. I have poured out my great love to you again and again, and have done so in immeasurable, unfathomable ways. So do not worry that your weakness, or your mistakes, or your humanity will somehow consume or overturn the redemption and reconciliation I have provided you.

Be confident in who I am. Be confident in what I have given you. Be confident in what I have made available to you. Be bold, and take action, and allow the confidence of my spirit to reveal little details to you the way your heart desires. You stand in the center of my attention. You stand in the center of my favor. So do not consider yourself a beggar but understand you are my most precious child. Surely if you ask for bread I will not give you a stone.

I know you are but small, and I know you are but weak. I will renew you again and again for I have already overcome all these things so you may walk in the victory I have planned for you. Over the course of time you will come to know, you will come to see, and you will come to realize the many layers of revelation and understanding I have for you. But for today simply accept my love and accept my will, and move with courage and confidence in the direction of my leading, for I have already made a way for you, though you do not fully understand or perceive it.

(1) 2 Corinthians 5:19, Romans 8:31-39

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